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The Need for Assertiveness
sentence we often encounter in discussions or conversations between departments
or between departments within the company. The few words we often encounter can
vary. Let us see, this problem will not drag on if there is a firmness of the
Board of Directors. Actually the solution is easy as long as there is firmness
from the Board of Directors. This is all because the Directors are not firm in
making decisions and so forth. The point is to refresh freedom of thought in
certain situations.
means all this is about the attitude of the leader in deciding something
problem in managing the conflict in the company. The picture also illustrates
that in making a decision then this attitude is necessary. Can all leaders do
it? It should be, because it really is a part that must be implemented in
leading the company. Firm attitude tends to be disliked for people or groups
who have undisciplined habits, but against people or groups who also have a
high level of discipline then a firm attitude is well liked.
What about the company? This attitude is needed. All stakeholders of the company will surely love a firm leadership. In order for our perceptions to be the same, we should first understand that the firmness is between passive means in an aggressive way in the face of the people they lead, applying firm stance also needs the right strategy and timing when the firmness is applied.
Situations that need to be firm
Situations that need to be firm
certain situations then assertiveness may not solve the problem, but it will
exacerbate the problem. For that we need to know in what situations such
assertiveness is necessary. The following examples illustrate situations that
require firmness.
1. If
an employee's performance inhibits the achievement of company objectives, then
firmness or firmness should be addressed. An example of an employee who often
commits a disciplinary offense is not properly punished. He was left alone to
do what his colleagues say wrong. The reaction that will appear to the
perpetrator is that he repeats the same behavior because he feels that his
behavior is still safe. Unfortunately it does not stop there but it will affect
other colleagues. What kind of influence? A co-worker who already has a little
misbehavior or an initially disciplined employee will do the same thing because
of the lack of firmness from the leader of the company to straighten out the
2. The
actions of a person will have a negative impact on your success in leading.
This tendency will usually strike you personally and as a result there is no
authority from the leader is the person of choice then his authority must be
preserved. It does not mean that people keep a distance from the people they
lead. The action in question is a tending action. Co-op the authority of the
leader. Please all the elements provide input but when the leader makes a
decision then all must follow it. Correction of wrong decision may be made but
if it is decided then all must follow it. If we as a subordinate do not follow
it then very inappropriate to be imitated because it is part of a power coup
that will hinder the achievement of the leader's goal in managing the company.
3. Repeated
consumer problems that have actually been solved by you but then appear again.
In such situations there is occasionally the thought that it is a common
problem. It is very wrong if the leader underestimate a problem with the
consumer. Remember this problem has a continued result if you are not careful
in making decisions. Your critical attitude as a leader is tested by a problem
that your layman or employee thinks is trivial. Almost all management science
encourages the caring attitude of the leader and all his employees in
overcoming the problems faced by consumers. That's all because the company will
lose its customers because of the ignorance by a handful of its employees.
a firm attitude needs to look at the situation and conditions. The first thing
you should keep is not to make it worse. Looking for loopholes on which part or
when to take on the role. And more importantly what you do to execute that
assertion. Make a good preparation, if you need to practice what needs to be
delivered or what will be spoken, even if you are the boss and the behavior of
your subordinates is also very annoying then make sure you can control the
emotions. Here's a little experience we can share.
Describe clearly or give an idea to the person about the behavior that needs to be changed. Have you ever convey something with a parable eg A's behavior like this is not good when in fact is the behavior of your men who are dealing with you. He if people understand the parable earlier, if not then the message is not up. Just say as an example you are often late and the behavior must be changed.
Describe clearly or give an idea to the person about the behavior that needs to be changed. Have you ever convey something with a parable eg A's behavior like this is not good when in fact is the behavior of your men who are dealing with you. He if people understand the parable earlier, if not then the message is not up. Just say as an example you are often late and the behavior must be changed.
Convey the negative impact of the behavior that must be changed earlier. For example by often coming late then our work is not completed on time. As a result the delivery of goods will retreat and acceptance of the company also backed down. Convey also that with the change of behavior, the positive impact is will help the company in improving its performance. As a result the welfare of employees can also be improved. Sometimes it is necessary to swap positions and the language can be this way: what would you do if you encountered a situation like this if you were the leader.
Last is to get a commitment that the negative behavior is changed. Please ask directly whether or not to agree and can also say that this request is not difficult to implement because most of your friends can do well. Then ask when to start and continue the evaluation to make sure that the person is really committed to the commitments already made. And if you succeed in rewarding and if not then give punishment.
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